Development and Sustainability training for Women in rural communities

Oct 16, 2020


Vincent Madzivanyika — Zimbabwe

Vincent serves as the Youth Board Director of the Southern Africa Embrace Foundation, an international charitable organisation operating in three countries in southern Africa. As the Youth Board Director, Vincent oversees the foundations community initiatives which includes HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness, education, women and youth empowerment initiatives, and poverty reduction strategies.

Through its Rural Development and Training program, Southern Africa Embrace Foundation targets rural women and trains them in income generating and self-sustainable projects like farming, handicraft, beadwork, arts, crafts, weaving, basketry, poultry, and goat rearing. The Foundation provides financial capital (micro financing) to kick start entrepreneurial projects and helps with project implementation and monitoring. Products from these initiatives are sold at fair trade markets in the region and internationally with the help of the Foundation. Profits are reinvested into the community to help with further skills training, education, health, and daily living expenses. In 2018, the Foundation launched “Nguni Accessories” to promote and sell accessories made by rural women in the region. Products are handcrafted in Southern Africa and sold in stores in Canada and the US.

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Vincent says his passion for community development and youth leadership was enhanced through his participation in the YALI RLC-SA programme. Since graduating from the training, he has gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for civic engagement and community development.




Written by YALI RLC SA

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is a signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders.

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